Christmas is a special time every year that reminds us how important it is to be among family and loved ones. A fun way to take advantage of the free time and have quality time with others is decorating the home with the holiday spirit. What better way than using recycled materials, not only saving money but also protecting the environment. Here are some ideas to give that personal touch to your decor:
Snowmen with plastic cups:
There are many ways to make snowmen with recycled materials and one way is to bring together those Styrofoam cups that maybe you have left over from a posada and glue them together with the widest part outward to create two or three spheres of different sizes. These will be the body of the snowmen and you only need to use your imagination with colored paper, cardboard or some similar material, to give it a face and some clothing.
Christmas star made from soda cans:
While using care when handling cans, these can be cut vertically to make a “leaf” of aluminum and then you can cut them with the way you like; for example, to make Christmas stars. The inside of the aluminum can be normally a single color so they will have a shiny silver tone that will not disappoint.
Ornaments with wine corks:
Using wine corks and any material you have on hand such as fabric, foam material or ribbons, you can do as much as your imagination allows: From a small cartoonish nativity scene to a miniature Christmas tree complete with figures such as reindeer.
What did you think? If you know any other Christmas ornaments that can be made from recycled materials, please do not hesitate to comment further below.