Gardens for Healthy Pets


What homeowner doesn’t want a beautiful garden and outdoor area for the family to enjoy?  But if your family includes some four-legged members, there are some things you need to keep in mind to make a pet-safe garden at your home. 

  • Use fertilizers with caution as they can give your pet an upset stomach and may result in life-threatening gastrointestinal obstruction digestive tracts.
  • Getting frustrated with your dog because he loves digging up your garden?  Why not give him a digging pit?  Dig a hole in the ground and fill it with a loose mixture of sand and dirt.  Then add some dog treats or toys to encourage your pet to enjoy his new digs.
  • A motion-activated sprinkler is a great way to stop pets from approaching your lawn or garden.  A sudden spirt of chilly water is all most pets need to keep their distance.
  • Keep lawns moved and trimmed to avoid fleas and ticks from gathering there.
  • Insecticides are often necessary for healthy gardens but ingredients can be harmful to pets.  Look for natural remedies to keep pests away.

Limiting the use of insecticides is good for both your pets and the environment but can lead to additional insects around your home.  Installing quality screens in your windows, doors and open spaces can help to protect you and your family without the need for chemicals.  Contact Luxury Screens for a free quote on insect screens for your home today.

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