Protect Your Family Against Diseases Transmitted by Mosquitoes

Luxury Screens

Although we tend to see mosquitoes as only a nuisance, we complain about the inability to sleep when one of these insects is buzzing around insistently in our room, or if we have to endure the discomfort of a bite. Realize that more than 700 thousand people die every year somewhere in the world because of a disease that was transmitted through a mosquito bite. This is reason enough to consider installing a mosquito net system in our homes to feel safe and comfortable. 

If that was not a valid enough reason, it has been discovered that global warming is increasing the life cycle of mosquitoes and infectious agents of dangerous diseases such as dengue or malaria.

In this way, the relatively small difference that the environment has suffered has caused their eggs and larvae that died during the winter to perpetuate the presence of these insects in unusual environments; to the extent that if Dengue took 3 centuries to spread on a global scale, Chinkungunya or Zika have done so in less than 20 years. In this context, prevention is essential.

Although science is working to find a solution, they also evaluate the balance mosquitoes bring to the environment and the incalculable consequences of trying to exterminate them, which could directly affect other beneficial and fundamental species for the survival of humanity.

A solution that protects your home from the entrance of mosquitoes is a good way to start preventing this type of infection in your family, it will also provide an architectural element of functionality, allow adequate ventilation and allow you to have cool nights during the summer without the need to resort to artificial climate. 

At Luxury Screens we have the widest variety of roller screens, and pleats for large windows and doors that integrate state-of-the-art technology and the best quality materials on the market. We also have a professional team qualified for installation throughout all of Mexico. Protect your family and provide your home with the safest environment. Learn more.