June has brought with it the news that deaths due to dengue have increased 250% in the country during this year. Journalistic sources indicate that it is because of the lack of use of the budget designated to the purchase of insecticides to fumigate the mosquito that transmits the disease. Specifically, 42 deaths and 21,076 cases of dengue have been recorded, of which approximately 8,000 of the cases have been classified as serious. It is worth mentioning that last year there were 12 deaths and 5,711 confirmed cases. Undoubtedly, the difference in figures is alarming.
Dengue is caused by a virus transmitted through the bite of a mosquito vector of the species Aedes aegypti and, to a lesser extent, A. albopictus. The symptoms appear between 4 to 7 days. There are two types of dengue: the classic and the hemorrhagic; The latter is considered very serious.
It is important to establish preventive measures to eradicate to a greater extent the proliferation and activity of these mosquito vectors, since there is no specific treatment for dengue. From fumigations, keeping the habitat clean and avoiding the generation of stagnant waters, to the installation of mosquito screens that protect from the trespassing of these insects that threaten our health.
At Luxury Screens we offer high-end architectural solutions, with state-of-the-art technology. We are a leading company in the industry, thanks to the quality, design and functionality of our products. We just so happen to have different mosquito nets for you: they keep the space ventilated and healthy and they protect from the invasion of insects and dust, as well as from UV rays. In addition, they have luxurious finishes and are easy to install. The Rolling Mosquito Net is versatile and functional, thanks to which it can be stored in its drawer and used when required. The Motorized Mosquito Nets are ideal when you want to protect large openings. They offer a perfect balance between the enjoyment of space and effective protection. On the other hand, the Fixed Mosquito Net is built with a German design profile; it keeps your home comfortable and fresh, also promotes energy efficiency.
Come to us and get to know our products, as well as our plans for distributors. Get a quote for your mosquito screens today!
The Percentage of Dengue Cases Skyrockets
Luxury Screens
Architectural supplies, Wellness